Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Hair Cut!

How time flies,
my boy will be five months old on 3rd November.
Yesterday he went for his first "Big boy" hair cut.
Here is the last photo before he went,
Jess put his fringe up in a bundle, 
because he couldn't see!!

We went for a walk before leaving him with Barb,
he was so good. 
We walked all the way to McKinnon, 
past the poodle parlour, a small dog, a stroller,
the chicken shop and a busy coffee shop,
I wish he was this good everyday.

This is what he looks like now!
He is soooooo small again,
but his legs look even longer!

Remember my "tongue fetish",
I could not resist this photo.
He is the prettiest boy around,
even when he is being silly, 
I love him to bits!!!!

Until next time ---- hug a puppy!!

1 comment:

  1. nacho should be worried! she is getting some competition in cuteness! - deaks


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