Thursday, June 30, 2011


Now that Middi is 12 months old and reasonably well behaved, it is time to start trying to push the boundaries.
When I got him , my aim was to train him as an Assistance dog, using Chris from Baybark as our trainer.
The first hurdle to get over is to pass the --

On the front page it states --
"The Test is to ensure that dogs who have public access are stable, well-behaved, and unobtrusive to the public. It is to ensure that the client has control over the dog and the team is not a public hazard".
Sounds very sensible to me, 
it is a shame that all dogs and their owners don't have to sit this test!
It is done at a shopping centre, in 14 sections----
1. Controlled unload from a vehicle.
2. Approaching the building  [in our case shopping strip]
3. Controlled entry through a doorway.
4. Heeling through a building [large shop]
5. Six foot recall on lead.
6. Sits on command.
7. Downs on command.
8. Noise distraction.
9. Restaurant.
10. Off lead.
11. Controlled exit.
12. Dog taken by another person.
13. Controlled load into vehicle.
14. Team relationship.

When I first read the requirements I thought it was very hard, 
now nearly nine months later I don't think it is really that bad.

Every time Middi and I go out, we are practicing parts of it.

On Wednesday Chris and I started restaurant training,
this means Middi has to behave beautifully in an eating place.
He must lie quietly next to my chair [with his tail tucked in], and of course he must not scum food!!!!!
It was an interesting experience,
I am used to taking him to coffee shops and sitting outside, I like the fresh air and there is more room for my wheelchair to maneuver.
I was so nervous, Chris keeps saying it is me she is training,
if I am calm he will be calm and do as he is told.

Of course he was good, 
once Chris worked out how to fit both of us into the shop and reminded me to keep praising him and giving him treats, he went to sleep!

The most important thing I forgot, was to stop him shaking himself when he stood up to leave, no one wants dog hair in their coffee!
It was a good experience for all of us, 
now I feel more confident, so Middi and I might join the coffee set!

Until next time ------ hug a puppy!!!
Stop press:

Middi and I went to the park for lunch today,
here is a photo to prove that he does stay beautifully beside me!!
Melbourne on a sunny winter's day is heaven on earth.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another experience!

Remember Chris suggested we should go to dog school?
I think it is time for an update on our progress.
Before we started It was agreed,
that Middi and I would stay in the beginners group with the least trained dogs,
he and I are learning  how to get on with all sorts of dogs.
We do all the exercises the others do,
but we use our own words and signals.
I cannot believe the change in  Middi and I!
in the few weeks we have been going,
he has calmed right down 
and I am confident that I can manage him.
Here are a couple of pictures showing
"going through a gate"

Compared with the narrow doors we have to squeeze through this is a breeze!!!
Agility is one of the exercises we do each week,
because of his wonky legs Middi can only do part of the course.
He can step sedately over the jumps,
climb carefully along the dog walk,
and sit beautifully on the platform.

Here are the photos to prove it!!
 Sometimes I don't judge distances very well,
look where Middi's tail is!!!!

Now I am really glad Chris encouraged me to go,
Middi and I have such a good time that last Sunday morning 
we got up really  early and attended two different classes.

The people at the school are very supportive of what I am trying to achieve with Middi and the trainers ask me lots of questions about our training.
This week we were asked to visit a different group,
so the dogs could get used to a big wheelchair
and a "working dog".
Dogs are often afraid of this big silent chair.

I am really enjoying the challenges of dog school.

A Special Day!

Friday 3rd June, 2011
was a very special day in Midnights life --
it was his birthday!!
He is now 1 year old.

We had a celebration at Petstock with his girlfriends.
His cake was a community effort --
Helen made it [and covered it in chocolate]
Gabe decorated it
and I put on the M&M's.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

That boy AGAIN!

Apart from Indie, 
I think I am the only person who looks at my blog.
Therefore I think I can put up as many pictures as I want,
of the most beautiful black poodle ---

Look at those eyes
and that gorgeous, shiny, big black nose.

I rest my case!!

Until next time -- love your four legged friend!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Remember Me?

Someone in our house is not happy!

Even though she has a smile on her face
she lets us all know that girls should not have to suffer the indignities of a bucket head.
The trouble is , like many dogs, she is allergic to "Wandering Jew".
Even injections and pills don't stop the itch, so she has to wear the collar.
Being our smart little darling, she has worked out that if she pushes her head under my table, then reverses, she can pull it off.

She has the most amazing balance
and can sit on her solid little bottom for ages.
she will put herself anywhere to get a tickle.
Indie is always a softie, a pat on the face always works wonders.

Her mum always has time for a tummy tickle
and then a neck cuddle.
She looks like a long suffering angel,
but she is Top Dog, 
and bosses Midnight around unmercifully.
Its only when she pinches his bones that he minds.

Until next time --- tickle a fluffy tummy!!