Thursday, March 29, 2012

An ordinary Thursday!

Thursday is my favourite day of the week,
its DOG DAY.

As you can see by the photo, today was a perfect Autumn day in Melbourne.
You can tell Middi and I are feeling great --- his tail is up and I have my hand resting on his shoulder.
Apart from socialising with other dogs,
Middi and I have a job to do.
We teach all the dogs not to be afraid of 
"those scary things, called power chairs"
Each session we go to all the groups and walk past the dogs, first slowly along the front, then around the back,
and now full pelt past the front again.
Some dogs are very scared at first, 
after all there aren't that many large blue chairs,
with flowers, racing around their neighbourhoods.
Middi of course, just plods along beside the chair!!
This group have met the chair before
and don't find it particularly scary.
These exercises are good for Middi too, 
he is "working", which means he is not allowed to be distracted 
by any dogs in the street.
I think Middi loves dog school as much as I do,
there are so many dogs to talk to, 
all sizes, some placid, some grumpy and some timid.
I of course meet lots of doggy people
who love to chat about their dogs, and mine.
Of course you meet the odd person,
 whose dog wears a big studded collar 
and is very anti-social, 
funnily enough, they don't usually stay for very long.

This is the end of Thursday morning,
you will have to read the next entry,
 to find out what happened next!!


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